Friday, November 20, 2015

Pumpkin Season

Fall weather brings cozy sweaters, beautiful colored leaves, and and onslaught of pumpkin desserts. I've gone through dozens of cans of pumpkin (sorry not sorry real pumpkin is too much work) making err' thang from from pies* to pasta. Here are some favorites from over the years.

*I like to double the vanilla and cinnamon/pumpkin spice and use this graham cracker crust 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunset Sunday - Sprague Lake

Sprague Lake - Rocky Mountain National Park - Colorado

Minus the minor bouts of altitude sickness, our first day in Colorado was my favorite. We drove around the park, ooh-ing and ahhing over the beautiful scenery. Later, we watched the sun set over this lake before hanging around to catch the beautiful starry night sky.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Emily and Friends Go to YAR

I was back at UVA for Homecoming a couple of weekends ago. It was the usual eat-as-much-Bodos-as-possible and dance very embarrassingly at YAR situation. Saturday afternoon we were down by The Lawn, and Emily needed a new Linkedin pic, so et voila, these photos happened.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


My favorite part of Central Park is the mall with the grand elm trees lining the walkway. I try to come every season with my camera to see the leaves change. Last week, the trees hadn't quite reached the yellow golden I had desired, but they were will still worthy of some pictures.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Guess Who's Back

Guess who's back, back again
Sophia's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back

I'm back from my 10 month sabbatical. Jk, no sabbatical. Life just took over: getting a new job, moving to a new apartment, travelling a whole bunch, picking up new hobbies (salsaaa), and letting old hobbies die (aka this blog). Anyways, I missed it: keeping up a journal of special moments, struggling at Lightroom, and writing grammatically questionable, inane run-on sentences.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Soup Weather

In case you couldn't tell from my incessant complaining, I am a total hater on the cold. It pretty much saps my desire to do anything except be in my warm bed. But a girl's still gotta feed herself, so I've been making all kinds of soup to get me through this winter. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunrise Sunday: Venice

March 2014 - Venice, Italy

My last morning in Venice was perfect. The rain finally completely stopped and I went on an early run through the city.  I'm really not much of a runner (I get bored about a mile in haha), but being alone with my thoughts and the city was complete bliss.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Sweet & Simple

Flowers and pastries. What more could a girl ask for?
But really, I hope these did the trick because this is what I got my mom for her birthday!